Variations that ignore the input and generate specific shapes. Often called “blurs” because they create a blur effect when used on the same transform with other variations.
Circle with a bright center.
Type: 2D blur

Circle with even coloring.
Type: 2D blur
Author: Joel and Michael Faber
Date: 15 Mar 2009
Square blur followed by circlize. Same result as circleblur. An older version had a “hole” parameter which didn’t work correctly and was later removed.
Creates a heart from two ellipses.
Type: 2D blur
Author: Luca G (dark-beam)
Date: 14 Nov 2011

Parameter | Description |
p | Power: 1 will make a heart from two ellipses; smaller values make it more “curvey” and heart-like (to a point) |
a | Shapes the ellipses; make it negative for the heart to be right-side-up |
b | Shapes the ellipses; make it negative for a hollow heart |
Keep |a|≤|b| to keep the dimple below the zero point; if it goes below, the dimple will have some fill in it.
blur3D / pre_blur3D
Three dimensional Gaussian blur.
Type: 3D blur

Chrysanthemum flower shaped curve.
Type: 2D blur
Author: Jesus Sosa
Date: 1 Feb 2018
Circle with even coloring.
Type: 2D blur
Author: Anton Liasotskiy (zy0rg)
Date: 9 Jan 2013
Fuzzy circle with a bright center, made from a Gaussian distribution.
Type: 2D blur

Polygon shaped blur
Type: 2D blur
Author: FractalDesire
Date: 21 Dec 2010

Parameter | Description |
numEdges | Specifies number of edges of the polygon. Must be an integer 3 or greater. |
numStripes | Number of stripes from the center to each side. Must be an integer. Negative values reverse the solid areas and spaces. |
ratioStripes | The stripe thickness, given as a ratio of solid to space. Valid values are between 0.0 (stripes are lines) and 2.0 (stripes touch each other). Default 1.0 makes the stripes and spaces the same width. |
ratioHole | Size of the hole in the center of the polygon. Ranges from 0.0 (no hole) to 1.0 (hole is the size of the polygon, so only the edge is visible. |
circumCircle | Set to 1 to put a circle around the shape. If ratioHole is 0.0, this just shows a circle; increase that to make a polygon hole in the circle. |
adjustToLinear | If 0, the variation value is the distance from center to corner. If 1, it is the distance from the center to the rightmost (and leftmost) corner. This facilitates horizontal tiling using a separate linear transform. Move the triangle for that transform twice the variation amount of the nBlur transform, and set this parameter to 1 to make the tiled nBlurs just touch. |
equalBlur | If 0, the center will be denser, possibly making it brighter (depending on the color). If 1, the brightness will be equalized, giving a flat appearance. |
exactCalc | If 0, the calculation will be interpolated to make the variation run faster. This will sometimes result in faint lines between the center and corners of the polygon, depending on the other settings and the color. If 1, calculation will be exact, but may take longer. |
highlightEdges | This parameter provides an alternative to exactCalc to reduce the faint lines that sometimes appear between the center and corners of the polygon. The default value is 1; reduce it to darken and increase it to lighten these lines. It can also be used to highlight these edges if desired for special effect. The exactCalc and circumCircle values must both be 0 for this to have any effect. Any value is allowed, but the lowest effective value is 0.1. |
A circle with wedges missing, like pieces of pie.
Type: 2D blur
Author: Joel Faber
Date: 16 Sep 2007

Parameter | Description |
slices | The number of slices. Two slices will overlap if not an integer (some versions require this to be an integer). |
rotation | Amount to rotate the shape, in radians. |
thickness | The proportion of wedge to space, from 0 (wedges are lines) to 1 (no space). |
Fluid version of pie, allows fractional value for slices.
Type: 2D blur
Author: Fred E (morphapoph)
Date: 8 Sep 2010
Same as pie, but relaxes the restriction that slices is an integer.
Three dimensional version of pie.
Type: 3D blur
Author: Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
Date: 21 Nov 2011

Parameter | Description |
slices | The number of slices. Two slices will overlap if not an integer. |
rotation | Amount to rotate the shape, in radians. |
thickness | The proportion of wedge to space, from 0 (wedges are lines) to 1 (no space). |
Pre version of gaussian_blur.
Type: 2D blur
Blur with selectable two or three dimensional shape.
Type: 2D or 3D blur (depends on shape parameter)
Author: Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
Date: 12 Oct 2013

Parameter | Description |
shape | Shape of primitive: 0 – Circle or Disk 1 – Sphere 2 – Cube 3 – Square 4 – Triangle 5 – Pyramid 6 – Torus |
a | For Torus, the radius of the tube |
b | For Torus, the radius of the hole |
c | Not used at this time |
filled | 0 for hollow, 1 for filled (triangles and pyramids are always filled) |
A circle with a shading effect.
Type: 2D blur
Author: Anton Liasotskiy (zy0rg)
Date: 9 Jan 2013

Parameter | Description |
power | Controls the shading effect. |
The appearance is greatly influnced by the background; the default of 1 works well for dark backgrounds, but a somewhat higher value (like 20) is better for light backgrounds. Very high values will have low density in the center. Values less than 1 will produce a smaller circle with a fuzzy edge.
3D version of sineblur
Type: 3D blur
Author: Anton Liasotskiy (zy0rg)
Date: 9 Jan 2013
Parameter | Description |
power | Controls the shading effect. |
Square shaped blur
Type: 2D blur
Author: Antonio Intieri (gygrazok)
Cube shaped blur
Type: 3D blur

Star shaped blur
Type: 2D blur
Author: Anton Liasotskiy (zy0rg)
Date: 9 Jan 2013

Parameter | Description |
power | Number of points |
range | Proportional distance of the inner angles |
Negative values are allowed for both parameters, and can generate interesting shapes.
General 3D shape generator using two superformula instances.
Type: 3D blur
Name: David Young (Sc0t0ma)
Date: 19 Oct 2008

Parameter | Description |
rho | Upper bound for XY drawing; when m1 is an integer, the optimal value is 𝜋2 ≈ 9.8696; increase when m1 is fractional or spiral is non-zero |
phi | Upper bound for YZ drawing; a typical value is 𝜋2/4 ≈ 2.4674, which fills a quarter of the shape; adjust as needed |
m1 | Number of corners for the XY plane |
m2 | Number of corners for the YZ plane |
a1, b1 | Stretch or contract the XY plane shape |
a2, b2 | Stretch or contract the YZ plane shape |
n1_1, n2_1, n3_1 | Shaping variables for the XY plane |
n1_2, n2_2, n3_2 | Shaping variables for the YZ plane |
spiral | Set to a non-zero value to make 3D Archimedean spirals |
toroidmap | 0: Map points to spherical coordinates (normal) 1: Map points to toroidal coordinates |
Triangular blur (3D)
Type: 3D blur
Author: Jesus Sosa
Date: 7 May 2020

Parameter | Description |
x1, y1, z1 | Coordinates of the first vertex |
x2, y2, z2 | Coordinates of the second vertex |
x3, y3, z3 | Coordinates of the third vertex |
Creates waves, like ripples in a pond.
Type: 3D blur
Author: Andreas Maschke
Date: 30 Jan 2015

Parameter | Description |
count | Number of waves |
phase | Wave phase; negative values leave hole in center, positive values make waves overlap in center |
amplitude_z | Z amplitude |
damping_z | Damping factor for successive waves; positive values make waves further from center smaller |
direct_color | 0 for normal color, 1 for direct color |
color_scale | Scale for color if using direct color |
color_offset | Color offset if using direct color |
Heart shaped blur
Type: 2D blur
Author: Andreas Maschke
Date: 30 Aug 2014

Based on xheart (which is not a blur).
Parameter | Description |
angle | Angle of the lobes in radians (offset from π/4) |
ratio | Stretch factor for the lobes |
Gaussian blur for the z axis only (no effect on x or y).
Type: 3D blur