Variations that manipulate only the z coordinate. All of these must be used with another variation to process x and y (even if linear to simply copy it).
Z Manipulation Sample Flames
Extrude the other variations on the transform by stretching the z coordinate.
Type: 3D (sets z only)
Author: Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
Date: 26 Jul 2010
Parameter | Description |
root_face | Density of the extruded face compared to the rest, from 0 (root face has no extra density) to 1 (only the root face) | (defunct)
flatten / zclear
Flatten the other variations on the transform by setting the z coordinate to 0.
Type: 3D (sets z only)
Author: Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
Date: 28 Jul 2013
Set z to tilt the plane forward, basing z mostly on y, but with some distortion.
Type: 3D (sets z only)
Author: Larry Berlin (aporev)
Date: 28 Sep 2009
Set z to tilt the plane diagonally.
Type: 3D (sets z only)
Author: Larry Berlin (aporev)
Date: 28 Sep 2009
Warp z to give a strong three dimensional effect.
Type: 3D (sets z only)
Author: Larry Berlin (aporev)
Date: 28 Sep 2009
Set z to create interleaved helix shapes.
Type: 3D (sets z only)
Author: Larry Berlin (aporev)
Date: 28 Sep 2009
Set z to give a gentle three dimensional wave shape.
Type: 3D (sets z only)
Author: Larry Berlin (aporev)
Date: 28 Sep 2009
Set z to give a rolling shape.
Type: 3D (sets z only)
Author: Larry Berlin (aporev)
Date: 28 Sep 2009
Set z from an external bumpmap image.
Type: 3D (sets z only)
Author: Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
Date: 28 Feb 2012
Parameter | Description |
image_filename | Filename for the bumpmap image; it must exist with the same name whenever the flame is loaded |
inlined_image | The bumpmap image, selected from a file like image_filename but the image itself is stored in the flame, making the flame larger but more portable |
scale_x | Horizontal scaling factor for bumpmap |
scale_y | Vertical scaling factor for bumpmap |
scale_z | Scale for mapping the bumpmap value to z |
offset_x | Horizontal offset for bumpmap |
offset_y | Vertical offset for bumpmap |
offset_z | Offset for mapping the bumpmap value to z |
reset_z | 0: Add bumpmap to existing z value 1: Override existing z value with bumpmap |
Bumpmap image used for above example, from
Add the x-y distance of each point to z, thus transforming the plane into a cone.
Type: 3D (sets z only)
Multiply the z value by the variation amount.
Type: 3D (sets z only)
Pre_zscale and post_zscale_wf also exist to scale z before or after the other variations.
Add the variation amount to z, translating points up or down the z axis.
Type: 3D (sets z only)
Pre_ztranslate and post_ztranslate_wf also exist to translate z before or after the other variations.
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