By Michael Bourne
You know how it is, you create something, then tweak it some more, well I got some fairly nice looking water shapes and I wanted to explore further. People seemed to like them, so I could put out a script. Recent events at DeviantArt have kind of soured things script wise at the moment, so I'll put these out as a flame pack. Some will have grey backgrounds where my backgrounds were. Just go to your colouring tab and add a background of your choice for those (assuming you want one).
Have fun, am looking forward to seeing the tweaks of these.
- Version
- Download 261
- File Size 203.33 KB
- File Count 1
- Create Date April 10, 2020
- Last Updated September 27, 2021
Thanks Michael. Was hoping to find a new water one. Didn’t realise this was posted 2 months ago! What on earth happened at DA?
Hi Bron, basically someone took the output from one of my scripts and posted it as their own, no credit, or link to the scripts or anything. They then won an award for “their” image, getting praised on all things for originality. I contacted the people who gave the award, as well as the person concerned. They said they weren’t aware of any rules regarding the scripts, which is crazy, because the rules are on the download page, as well as in the scripts themselves.
They did then link to the scripts for a while, but then they removed the pic altogether.
I thought it might have been something like that. I see 2-3 people who regularly do that and it really gives me the sh—ts! I saw one DD given – may be the same one you were talking about. I saw another given a DD for a mutagen from MB3D which is pretty the same as generating a random and rendering it.
With all the changes to DA = eclipse = I imagine you are evn less likely to come back there but if you ever do want to promote something there let me know – happy to spread the news. 🙂 Our fractal community is getting smaller and smaller and much less active.
Drives me crazy, it’s so disrespectful to pass something off as your own, when someone has taken a lot of time to create something. I’m normally easy going with people passing off my script outputs as their own,but it riled me that they’d been awarded, and still never mentioned it.
All I’m after is people to link back to the scripts, it’s never been about me, just want as many as want to, to have fun with them, and obviously if there’s no link, people won’t know and can’t join in on the fun. They take weeks of time to make also. I guess some are just freeloaders.
If I had more time, I’d certainly be more active elsewhere, but as is running the group and all the website work, and making some images is me done. In terms of promoting anything, just the website if people are JWF addicts.
Hope you’re keeping well.
I ended up writing a journal about it in my Fractal group – I think I made a mistake though – I gave it the title Acknowledging the Creator – I think people may have thought I’d gone religious 🙂 It didn’t get many views or comments – or maybe too many people were feeling too guilty!!
Keeping very busy with work which doesn’t leave me with much energy for anything else – haven’t even made many fractals lately – got another DD! Was very happy about that one! A jwildfire flower which was a tweak of one of Silvia’s which was a tweak of one of mine – I challenged her to use jwildfire instead of Apo and she did a pretty good job of it too 🙂 Mine –
So glad you got a DD.. acknowledging the creator, does sound a little religious 🙂 I appreciate though, and it’s never about the kudos for me, it’s just that people shouldn’t try pass off stuff as their own when someone’s put the grind in as it were.
Good to see you back around, work can really get in the way of things.
Thanks Michael, nice to be back! For how ever long it lasts this time 🙂
Here I am all this time later, getting these! I sure miss you being around my friend! Appreciate your diligent work for us!