Estimate Cost : 0
Time Needed : 30 minutes
There are many script files you can use for JWildfire to help you get started, they are great for creating fractals you can experiment with, or for learning. You can examine the way they were created and then tweak them to suit yourself. If you use any images created with scripts, it’s always a good idea to give credit to the script writer. You can find many scripts here at the Sanctuary on the download menu. Here are some instructions on how to install and run them.
Create a folder for your scripts on your computer.
Make a folder on your computer, make it somewhere you can remember!
Also make a note somewhere of where you created it.
Because I am going to put all my JWildfire resources in their own folder I’ll first create a folder called JWildfire Stuff Inside of that will have to be other folders as you go along, so there’ll be one for gradients and anything else you add later, but for now, we’re only focusing on scripts. So inside your JWildfire Stuff folder, make another folder called Scripts.
Create the folders anywhere you like on your machine, but as said already, make a note of where !
So the path in this case is C:JWildfire StuffScripts
(hint.. if you’re feeling technical.. you can click into the address bar where it says This PC windows C etc.. and it will change to show a path looking like C:JWildfire StuffScripts.. you can drag your mouse over the path, and click copy. This will allow you to use paste in the next step, instead of typing it out. )Changing JWildfire Settings
Initially, we have to let JWildfire know where our scripts are going to be. As long as you set this correctly, you just need to put your scripts in the same folder, so click the settings menu.
Then click the preferences menu.
Click Preferences
Set path to the scripts
Then scroll to look for tina JWF Script Path, click the entry and enter your path as explained in step 1
This only has to be done once, so when you tell JWildfire where your scripts are, you can extract as many as you like in the future to this path and JWildfire will keep the settings. Once entered, click save and close. JWildfire will now look in this location for the scripts.Extracting downloaded scripts.
Once you have downloaded the script you want to use, you’ll need to extract it with your zip program to the scripts folder created in the steps above.
Because of the different way zip programs work, am assuming you know how to do this, I’ll show how it’s done with peazip, but your method may differ. Load the zip file into your zip software, and extract all to the folder where your scripts are, in our case C:JWildfire StuffScripts.
If there’s an option to “keep folder structure” make sure that is checked.Extract files to the folder
Extracting all the files to our scripts folder.
Back to JWildfire to access our new scripts
Once the files/folder is extracted to our scripts folder, we head back to JWildfire to get at our new scripts. So click the scripts tab button.
Then click the rescan button
To get JWildfire to look for new scripts we need to hit rescan, if JWildfire had been closed and we opened it after extracting, it would automatically check the scripts folder for new items. Because we left JWildfire open we need rescan.
Open folder and run script
You should now see the folder with your scripts in, double click that to open it, then you’ll see the actual scripts. You can run these by highlighting them and clicking the Run button, or by double clicking on the script name.
Although this seems complex, once this is set up, when downloading and running scripts you’ll only have to repeat the steps from 5-9 in the future ie extracting them to the scripts folder and then rescanning and running.
Please remember also that when you share images by using scripts it is required that you place a link to the script download page wherever you post your pictures. This is done in the community spirit of letting others know where to get them. A lot of work goes into creating scripts, so please respect this.
- JWildfire, Notepad ++
- Scripts