
Variations that add waves to x, y, and/or z. There are a lot of different variants on this theme, differing in the parameters available and how they are applied.


Wave effect that gets stronger further from the origin.

Type: 2D
Author: Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
Date: 20 Oct 2009

Creates a wave effect that gets stronger further from the origin. Variable sym controls how much x is affected; see the two right examples which are the same except for sym. Top right: sym = 0 (so x is not affected), weight = 0.5, freq = 4, scale = 0.1 Bottom right: sym = 0.3 (mild x effect), weight = 0.5, freq = 4, scale = 0.1 Bottom left: sym = 1, weight = 0.3, freq = 3, scale = 0.5 The stripes have the appearance of rippled ribbons, but that is just an illusion; auger is 2D only. Compare waves2, waves2b

Waves Groups Variations Sample auger
Wavesย group sample variationย auger
freqFrequency of the waves
weightWeighting factor of the wave effect
symSymmetry; controls the horizontal effect
0: No horizontal effect (only vertical)
1: Equal horizontal and vertical effect
Other values: interpolate or extrapolate
scaleScale of wave function at the origin

http://xyrus-02.deviantart.com/art/auger-140948430 (defunct)


Add sine waves in two arbitrary directions

Type: 2D
Author: Jessica Darling (FarDareisMai)
Date: 9 Aug 2011

Wavesย group sample variationย vibration1

Same as waves2 when dir=0, angle=ฯ€/2, phase=0, dir2=ฯ€/2, angle2=ฯ€/2, and phase2=0, with freq=waves2_freqx*2ฯ€, amp=waves2_scalex, freq2=waves2_freqy*2ฯ€, and amp2=waves2_scaley.

dirDirection of wave 1 axis in radians; 0 for x-axis, ฯ€/2โ‰ˆ1.5708 for y-axis
angleAngle of wave 1 in relation to the axis in radians; ฯ€/2โ‰ˆ1.5708 for perpendicular to axis
freqFrequency of wave 1 (scaled by 2ฯ€ compared to waves2)
ampAmplitude of wave 1
phasePhase of wave 1
dir2Direction of wave 2 axis in radians; 0 for x-axis, ฯ€/2โ‰ˆ1.5708 for y-axis
angle2Angle of wave 2 in relation to the axis in radians; ฯ€/2โ‰ˆ1.5708 for perpendicular to axis
freq2Frequency of wave 2 (scaled by 2ฯ€ compared to waves2)
amp2Amplitude of wave 2
phase2Phase of wave 1



Add sine waves in two arbitrary directions with modulation

Type: 2D
Author: Jessica Darling (FarDareisMai)
Date: 9 Aug 2011

Wavesย group sample variationย vibration

Vibration2 is vibration with the ability to modulate the direction, angle, frequency, and amplitude of each wave with a sine wave. The first ten parameters are the same as vibration. Vibration2 is the same as vibration when dm, tm, fm, am, d2m, t2m, f2m, and a2m are all 0 (no modulation).

dirDirection of wave 1 axis in radians; 0 for x-axis, ฯ€/2โ‰ˆ1.5708 for y-axis
angleAngle of wave 1 in relation to the axis in radians; ฯ€/2โ‰ˆ1.5708 for perpendicular to axis
freqFrequency of wave 1 (scaled by 2ฯ€ compared to waves2)
ampAmplitude of wave 1
phasePhase of wave 1
dir2Direction of wave 2 axis in radians; 0 for x-axis, ฯ€/2โ‰ˆ1.5708 for y-axis
angle2Angle of wave 2 in relation to the axis in radians; ฯ€/2โ‰ˆ1.5708 for perpendicular to axis
freq2Frequency of wave 2 (scaled by 2ฯ€ compared to waves2)
amp2Amplitude of wave 2
phase2Phase of wave 1
dmAmount to modulate the direction of wave 1
dmfreqModulation frequency for wave 1 direction
tmAmount to modulate the angle of wave 1
tmfreqModulation frequency for wave 1 angle
fmAmount to modulate the frequency of wave 1
fmfreqModulation frequency for wave 1 frequency
amAmount to modulate the amplitude of wave 1
amfreqModulation frequency for wave 1 amplitude
d2mAmount to modulate the direction of wave 2
dm2freqModulation frequency for wave 2 direction
t2mAmount to modulate the angle of wave 2
tm2freqModulation frequency for wave 2 angle
f2mAmount to modulate the frequency of wave 2
fm2freqModulation frequency for wave 2 frequency
a2mAmount to modulate the amplitude of wave 2
am2freqModulation frequency for wave 2 amplitude




Add sine waves to x and y (dependent variation).

Type: 2D
Author: Scott Draves
Date: March 2004

Waves is an older “dependent variation” that depends on the affine coefficients of the transform instead of parameters. Of course, changing the affine coefficients affects the flame too, making dependent variations more difficult to use than the newer “parametric variations” that use parameters, such as waves2.

Wavesย group sample variationย waves
b, Y1, or c10Scale for horizontal waves
c, O1, or c20Changes horizontal frequency (inverse square relation)
e, Y2, or c11Scale for vertical waves
f, O2, or c21Changes vertical frequency (inverse square relation)


Add sine waves to x and y (some versions include z).

Type: 2D
Author: Scott Draves
Date: 3 Oct 2008

Wavesย group sample variationย waves21
Same as linear when scalex and scaley are 0. For versions with scalez, same as linear3D when scalex, scaley, and scalez are 0.

Creates a wave effect independently on x and y applied equally through the plane. Variables freqx and scalex specify the frequency and scale for x, and freqy and scaley specify the frequency and scale for y.
Top right: freqx = 0, freqy = 4, scaley = 0.25
Bottom right: freqx = 4, scalex = 0.1, freqy = 4, scaley = 0.25
Bottom left: freqx = 3, scalex = 0.5, freqy = 2, scaley = 0.5

Compare auger, waves2b

Waves Groups Variations Sample waves2
scalexScale for horizontal waves
scaleyScale for vertical waves
scalez(Not in all versions) Scale for waves in z direction
freqxFrequency for horizontal waves
freqyFrequency for vertical waves
freqz(Not in all versions) Frequency for waves in z direction





Add sine waves to x and y with 3D addition

Type: 3D
Author: Larry Berlin (aporev)
Date: 28 Sep 2009

Wavesย group sample variationย waves2_3D
freqFrequency for waves
scaleScale for waves



Add sine waves to x and y outside a circle centered at the origin.

Type: 2D
Author: Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
Date: 27 Nov 2016

Wavesย group sample variationย waves_radial
scalexScale for horizontal waves
scaleyScale for vertical waves
freqxFrequency for horizontal waves
freqyFrequency for vertical waves
nullRadius of circle where waves are not applied
distanceRadius of transition circle where waves are partially applied; should be greater than null



Add sine waves to x and y with power option.

Type: 2D
Author: Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
Date: 21 Jan 2019

Wavesย group sample variationย waves22

Same as waves2 when modex and modey are 0 and powerx and powery are 1.

scalexScale for horizontal waves
scaleyScale for vertical waves
freqxFrequency for horizontal waves
freqyFrequency for vertical waves
modex0 for normal (horizontal waves range from -scalex to scalex)
1 for positive (waves range from 0 to scalex)
modeySame as modex, but for vertical wave
powerxPower for horizontal waves; integer only (fractions ignored)
poweryPower for vertical waves; integer only (fractions ignored)



Add triangular “waves” to x and y.

Type: 2D
Author: Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
Date: 21 Jan 2019

Wavesย group sample variationย waves23
scalexScale for horizontal waves
scaleyScale for vertical waves
freqxFrequency for horizontal waves
freqyFrequency for vertical waves



Add sine waves to x and y with scaling based on distance from center

Type: 2D
Author: Luca G (dark-beam)
Date: 27 May 2014

Wavesย group sample variationย waves2b1
Wavesย group sample variationย ย waves2b

Creates a wave effect independently on x and y like waves2, but with more variables. The wave is raised to the pwx and pwy power, distorting the wave (top right). The scale can be different at the center (scalex and scaley) and edges (scaleinfx and scaleinfy); the bottom right example decreases the scale at the edges (opposite of auger). Compare top and bottom right with waves2, top right. Bottom left example mixes all the options.

Top right: freqx = 0, freqy = 4, pwy = 2, scaley = 0.75, scaleinfy = 0.75

Bottom right: freqx = 0, freqy = 4, pwy = 1, scaley = 1, scaleinfy = 0.1

Bottom left: freqx = 2, freqy = 3, pwx = 3, pwy = 0.25, scalex = 1, scaleinfx = 0.5, scaley = 0.5, scaleinfy = 0

Compare auger, waves2

Waves Groups Variations Sample waves2b
freqxFrequency for horizontal waves
freqyFrequency for vertical waves
pwxPower for horizontal waves; ideal range is 0.3 to 2.0, but any value is allowed.
1.0: Normal
0 to 0.0001: Use Jacobi Elliptic function sn(x,k)
-0.0001 to 0: Use Bessel J1 function
pwyPower for vertical waves; ideal range is 0.3 to 2.0, but any value is allowed.
1.0: Normal
0 to 0.0001: Use Jacobi Elliptic function sn(y,k)
-0.0001 to 0: Use Bessel J1 function
scalexScale for horizontal waves near center
scaleinfxScale for horizontal waves away from center
scaleyScale for vertical waves near center
scaleinfyScale for vertical waves away from center
unityDistance for “near center” (scalex/scaley) and “away from center” (scaleinfx and scaleinfy)
jacokThe value for k in the Jacobi Elliptic function sn(x,k) and/or sn(y,k) when pwx or pwy is between 0 and 0.0001.



Add modulated sine waves to x and y

Type: 2D
Author: Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
Date: 21 Jan 2019

Wavesย group sample variationย waves3
scalexScale for horizontal waves
scaleyScale for vertical waves
freqxFrequency for horizontal waves
freqyFrequency for vertical waves
sx_freqFrequency of the sine wave that modulates the horizontal wave
sy_freqFrequency of the sine wave that modulates the vertical wave



Add sine waves to x and y with fracturing of horizontal wave

Type: 2D
Author: Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
Date: 21 Jan 2019

Wavesย group sample variationย waves 4
scalexScale for horizontal waves
scaleyScale for vertical waves
freqxFrequency for horizontal waves
freqyFrequency for vertical waves
cont0: Fracture with continuous diagonal lines
1: Fracture in steps (restricted to positive y (bottom half) only)
yfactFracture amount for horizontal wave; 0 for none



Add sine waves to x and y with fracturing of horizontal wave

Type: 2D
Author: Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
Date: 21 Jan 2019

Wavesย group sample variationย waves42
scalexScale for horizontal waves
scaleyScale for vertical waves
freqxFrequency for horizontal waves
freqyFrequency for vertical waves
cont0: Fracture with continuous diagonal lines
1: Fracture in steps (sometimes restricted to positive y (bottom half) only)
yfactFracture amount for horizontal wave; 0 for none
freqx2Frequency for fracturing (0.159155 is same as waves4)


wavesD2 / waves2_wf

Add damped sine or cosine waves to x and y.

Type: 2D
Author: Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
Date: 25 Dec 2011

Wavesย group sample variationย waves2_wf
scalexScale for horizontal waves
scaleyScale for vertical waves
freqxFrequency for horizontal waves
freqyFrequency for vertical waves
use_cos_x0 for sine or 1 for cosine horizontal waves
use_cos_y0 for sine or 1 for cosine vertical waves
dampxDampening factor for horizontal waves; 0 for normal, negative to attenuate, positive to amplify
dampyDampening factor for horizontal waves; 0 for normal, negative to attenuate, positive to amplify

wavesD3 / waves3_wf

Add damped squared sine or cosine waves to x and y

Type: 2D
Author: Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
Date: 10 Feb 2012

Wavesย group sample variationย waves3_wf
scalexScale for horizontal waves
scaleyScale for vertical waves
freqxFrequency for horizontal waves
freqyFrequency for vertical waves
use_cos_x0 for sine or 1 for cosine horizontal waves
use_cos_y0 for sine or 1 for cosine vertical waves
dampxDampening factor for horizontal waves; 0 for normal, negative to attenuate, positive to amplify
dampyDampening factor for horizontal waves; 0 for normal, negative to attenuate, positive to amplify

wavesD4 / waves4_wf

Add damped cubed sine or cosine waves to x and y

Type: 2D
Author: Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
Date: 10 Feb 2012

Wavesย group sample variationย waves4 wf
scalexScale for horizontal waves
scaleyScale for vertical waves
freqxFrequency for horizontal waves
freqyFrequency for vertical waves
use_cos_x0 for sin*cos*sin or 1 for cos*sin*cos horizontal waves
use_cos_y0 for sin*cos*sin or 1 for cos*sin*cos vertical waves
dampxDampening factor for horizontal waves; 0 for normal, negative to attenuate, positive to amplify
dampyDampening factor for horizontal waves; 0 for normal, negative to attenuate, positive to amplify


Add damped waves to polynomial Julia set (aka julian).

Type: 2D
Author: George Kiehne (Xyrus-02)
Date: 12 Sep 2009

Wavesย group sample variationย wavesn
Wavesย group sample variationย wavesn
freqxFrequency for horizontal waves
freqyFrequency for vertical waves
scalexScale for horizontal waves
scaleyScale for vertical waves
incxHorizontal scale change amount
incyVertical scale change amount
powerJulia power (see julian)

http://xyrus-02.deviantart.com/art/wavesn-136822863 (defunct)

This information has all been created by Rick Sidwell as a guide to the more popular variations used in fractal flames, and very generously allowed me to reproduce it here. Not all of the variations are included with JWildfire, but a great many are, so it is worthwhile learning about them.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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