Variations that generate groups of shapes.
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Random size circles in a grid.
Type: 2D blur
Author: Alexey Ermushev (eralex61)
Date: 17 Jun 2009

Parameter | Description |
Sc | Overall scale for the circles |
Dens | Circle density (0 to 1) |
X, Y | Size of the grid; if Sc is 1, this will be the number of circles horizontally and vertically |
Seed | Random number seed |
A grid pattern of polygons.
Type: 2D direct color blur
Author: Jesus Sosa, inspired by a program by Lucia Tokárová
Date: 15 May 2018

Parameter | Description |
string | Type of polygons to use for each row as a comma-separated list of numbers (3 for triange, 4 for square, etc.); the list will be repeated to fill all the rows |
seed | Random number seed |
width, height | Width and height of the grid to use |
lineheight | Controls the size (both width and height) of the polygons |
angle | Angle to rotate each polygon, in degrees |
randPos | Maximum amount to randomly move each polygon left to right |
randSize | Maximum amount to randomly shrink or enlarge each polygon |
fill | 0: Do not fill polygons (outline only if outline is 1) 1: Fill polygons |
outline | 0: Omit polygon outlines 1: Draw polygon outlines |
fill color | Start color (gradient index) for filling polygons, between 0 and 1 |
fill color speed | Maximum amount to randomly vary fill color, between 0 (single color) and 1 (use full gradient) |
outline color | Outline color (gradient index), between 0 and 1 |
A group of metaballs, balls (solid spheres) that merge when close to each other to form blobs.
Type: 3D direct color blur
Author: Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
Date: 17 Dec 2018

Parameter | Description |
colormap_filename | Name of image file for coloring the metaballs; only used when color_mode is 0, 1, or 2 |
mb_mode | 0: Distribute metaballs uniformly 1: Distribute metaballs closer to the XZ plane 2: Distribute metaballs closer to the origin |
mb_count | Number of metaballs to generate |
mb_min_radius, mb_max_radius | Minimum and maximum values for the radius of influence for each metaball |
mb_negative | Fraction (between 0 and 1) of the metaballs that will have a negative radius of influence; such metaballs are not visible, but interfere with merging of other metaballs to form more interesting shapes |
mb_seed | Seed for the random numbers used to generate the metaballs |
mb_sharpness | The threshold for determining whether a point is within a blob; small values make larger blobs and vice versa |
border_size | Size of the border; each of xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, and zmax is adjusted towards the origin by this amount, which is more convenient that adjusting all six boundary parameters individually |
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax | The boundaries the variation uses when placing the random metaballs |
max_iter | Maximum tries for finding points within a blob; this keeps the variation from trying forever and hanging JWildfire |
direct_color | 0: Don’t use direct color (just standard variation coloring) 1: Use direct color according to color_mode |
color_mode | 0: Use colormap on YZ plane 1: Use colormap on XZ plane 2: Use colormap on XY plans 3: Use gradient along the x axis 4: Use gradient along the y axis 5: Use gradient along the z axis 6: Use the gradient along the x and y axes combined 7: Use the gradient along the y and z axes combined 8: Use the gradient along the x and z axes combined 9: Use the gradient along the x, y, and z axes combined |
blend_colormap | Whether to blend colormap colors with surrounding colors (color_modes 0-2 only) 0: Don’t blend colors 1: Blend colors |
Wikipedia article
Description and examples by Paul Bourke
Metaball article by Ryan Geiss
A 9×9 grid of nested polygons, with coloring based on sudoku.
Type: 2D direct color blur
Author: Jesus Sosa
Date: 19 Jun 2018

Parameter | Description |
Level | Nesting level (1-9) |
thickness | Thickness of outer polygons (0-1); innermost polygon is always filled |
size | Polygon size (0.3-1.0) |
angle | Polygon rotation angle |
type | Number of sides for the polygons (3-6) |
Coloring Sudokus blog post (the basis for this variation)
Generate an Islamic style tiling (based on code from the “taprats” program).
Type: 2D direct color blur
Authors: Jesus Sosa, Craig S. Kaplan, and Pierre Baillargeon
Date: 29 May 2018

Parameter | Description |
id | Tiling to use, 0 to 49 () |
style | Style to draw the pattern: 0: Line 1: Outline 2: Interlace 3: Emboss 4: Filled 5: Sketch |
width | Width of segments; should be less than 0.1 (styles 1, 2, 3 only) |
gap | Size of gap at segment crossing; should be less than 0.1 (style 3 only) |
fill | 1 to fill polygons; 0 for outline only (styles 1, 2, 3, 4 only) |
Rosette Q | Controls the “pointiness” of the star at the center of the rosette, between -1.0 and 0.9 (only used if Rosette(0/1) is 1) |
Rosett S | 1: Omit the central star of the rosette 2: Show the central star (only used if Rosette(0/1) is 1) |
Rosette(0/1) | 0: Decorate polygons with stars 1: Decorate polygons with rosettes |
Star D | Controls the “pointiness” of the star, between 1.0 and 3.5 (only used if Rosette(0/1) is 0) |
Star S | Number of “sub-stars”, 1, 2, or 3; the result is limited by Star D; for example, if Star D is 2.9, only 2 sub-stars will be generated even if Star S is 3 (only used if Rosette(0/1) is 0) |
Infer(0/1) | 0: Use only polygons from the chosen tiling 1: Infer other polygons between the ones from the tiling |
Author’s description of variation
Taprats program (on which this variation is based)