Variations that use polar coordinates and swap the ρ and θ values. This converts wedges centered at the origin to half-rings and vice versa.
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Swap polar coordinates ρ and θ.
Type: 2D
Author: Ronald Hordijk
Date: Sep 2003

Disc variation information at the JWildfire Sanctuary
Disc Spiral Tutorial
Disc-Julian tutorial
Flipped Disc tutorial
Spherical-Disc tutorial
Disc Tutorial 1
Hole/Disc Technique video tutorial
Apophysis Base Forms pack
Modified Flipped Disc Apophsis script
Linear Disc Apophysis script
Swap polar coordinates ρ and θ, but using Manhattan distance instead of Euclidean.
Type: 2D
Author: Antonio Intrieri (gygrazok)
Date: 9 Feb 2007

It actually doesn’t quite use the Manhattan distance. It uses x+y; the Manhattan distance is |x|+|y|.
Parameter | Description |
rot | Scales the input (which rotates the result) |
twist | Separates the left and right halves |
Swap polar coordinates ρ and θ, with parameters.
Type: 2D
Author: Brad Stefanov (snicker02)
Date: 28 Jul 2018

Parameter | Description |
a-h |
Swap 2D polar coordinates ρ and θ and transforms z according to the distance from the origin.
Type: 3D
Author: Keeps Spencer (gossamer-light)
Date: 10 Dec 2007

Parameter | Description |
pi | Scale factor for ρ and θ; 𝜋 is the value used for disc, but disc3d allows it to be changed. |
Swap elliptic coordinates μ and ν.
Type: 2D
Author: Joel and Michael Faber
Date: 21 Oct 2007

Apophysis plugin
eTech tutorial
eTech Apophysis scripts
Apophysis Base Forms pack
Swap polar coordinates ρ and θ, first taking the reciprocal of ρ; scales by 2𝜋 instead of 𝜋.
Type: 2D
Author: Michael Faber
Date: 14 Jul 2009

Gregg Helt (CozyG) added some parameters to fdisc when he ported it to JWildfire.
Parameter | Description |
ashift | Shift amount for θ |
rshift | Shift amount for ρ |
xshift | Phase shift for x |
yshift | Phase shift for y |
term1-term4 | Weights for four different terms producing the result; term1 is normal fdisc and term4 is linear |
Swap polar coordinates ρ and θ, first taking the reciprocal of ρ.
Type: 2D
Author: Michael Faber
Date: 17 Sep 2011

Taking the reciprocal is intended to prevent the overlap often seen with disc. See wdisc.
Swap polar coordinates ρ and θ.
Type: 2D
Author: Keeps Spencer (gossamer-light)
Date: 10 Dec 2007
A pre_ version of disc.
Swap 2D polar coordinates ρ and θ and transforms z according to the distance from the origin.
Type: 3D
Author: Keeps Spencer (gossamer-light)
Date: 10 Dec 2007
A pre_ version of disc3d.
Parameter | Description |
pi | Scale factor for ρ and θ; 𝜋 is the value used for disc, but disc3d allows it to be changed. |
Swap polar coordinates ρ and θ, first taking the reciprocal of ρ, afterwards flipping the bottom half.
Type: 2D
Author: Michael Faber
Date: 17 Sep 2011

Taking the reciprocal is intended to prevent the overlap often seen with disc. See idisc.