Gift Flame Pack 2021

missy gainer flame pack
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  • File Size 2.56 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date November 15, 2021
  • Last Updated January 10, 2022

Gift Flame Pack 2021

Gift Flame Pack 2021 (60 Flames)
for JWildfire v7.20 ONLY
By Missy Gainer

IMPORTANT! This flame pack is for JWildfire v7.20 ONLY. Flames will not load correctly on older versions!!!

You can download JWildfire v7.20 from the following url: This version is free but you will need to install Java 8 separately.

You can also purchase JWildfire on the Steam platform and it is well worth the price of only $11.99. You will stay up to date on all new versions on Steam and you do not have to download and install Java by yourself.

Thank you for downloading my gift to the JWildfire community. A lot of time went into this flame pack of 60 flames. I hope you will use them to learn and create something beautiful. Please tweak parameters to make the resulting flame your own. I do not suggest just running a flame through mutagen. You learn very little from doing that and it really doesn't make the fractal your own.

To see better how each flame was made click the subflame variation, and under the nonlinear tab click the gear icon next to the subflame. Copy to clipboard and paste from clipboard into a new flame. Try changing the subflame parameters. Subflames are nested one inside another in this flame pack. This is an example of what you can do with one simple subflame to make many different looking fractals.

Other changes you can make are adding a darkish background color in the different corners (color tab). I like this little trick and use it a lot. Change variations and variation parameters and/or rotate or move triangles around (or use affine tab). Also try adding a new variation to Transform-2 and change the variation amount and parameters to that. This will change the fractal in infinite ways. Feel free to use any gradients in this pack. They are a mixture of Mixpal gradients, homemade gradients and gradients downloaded from DA. Also note the pitch in camera settings as well as color tab settings and change these as needed. Don't forget to play with Xaos, local gamma, WField, zbuffer and bokeh!

These flames do take awhile to render. GPU renderer will not work because of the subflame variation and because there is a custom_wf included. Thank you to Brad Stefanov for his unreleased custom variation called Julia-In-Out-BS. It eventually became the "cone" variation included in JWildfire. I hope you have fun with this flame pack. Credit is always appreciated. Enjoy!

Missy Gainer

P.S. Flame pack does take awhile to open because there are 60 flames to load!

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Attached Files

Gift Flame Pack 2021 for JWF v7.20 ONLY by MG.zipDownload
Please credit and or link to this resource if you use them to create your images. For more information please read this

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