Think of tags as like a book index where you find words and which pages they are on, the same principle applies here. Although it's taken a stage further so it might not be the word, but the subject, so for example if you're looking for things to do with fractal gradients for example. A tag may bring back posts with gradient files, as well as posts that discuss gradients, or tutorials about them.
Tag: Don Town
Zsuzsas Clob – Based on Z Birone Flame
Clob from csc,lissajous,octagon,barycentroid. Script based on Zsuzsa Birone’s flame.
Xtrb Julian Rings 3D
This script started originally from a script by Mick Hogan CrackledJulianRings back in January. I replaced crackle … Details
Trillium script based on flame
Script based on a flame by that name. Has Randomization. Use of if statement to conditionally change … Details