half blurs group cannabiscurve variation sample

Half Blurs

Variations that generate specific shapes using polar coordinates. Unlike normal blurs, which ignore the input point, half blurs take the angle of the input point (theta) and compute a random distance (rho) within the shape. This allows some flexibility in coloring. They can be substituted for normal blurs in many flames; if it doesn’t work, try adding some pre_blur to the transform to generate random angles.

blurry group radial blur variation sample


Variations that add different types of blurriness. Unlike blur transforms, they do not ignore their inputs or create shapes by themselves. Most are best used in conjunction with other variations on the same transform, although a few have an incorporated linear so this is not needed.

blobs group flower db variation sample


These variations deform the plane by pinching it towards the origin, making a blob-like shape. The math is similar to that of rose curves, but these are standard variations, not blurs.

attractors group clifford variation sample


These variations use the formulas for strange attractors. They are mostly normal variations, not blurs, and will produce the actual attractor when used on a single transform by themselves with no affine transforms, as is done with all of the examples shown here.