Understanding Colormap Gradient for JWildfire

I hope everybody is doing well, staying healthy during this coronavirus crisis. But since we’re all suggested to stay home here’s a fractal tutorial for you to try while you’re self-isolating. I am going to be concentrating on the color map gradient function of jwildfire. This is kind of can has become one of my favorite processes to do here is one example that i did a long time ago. This has a co-map with along with dc modulus and i believe i did a dc modulus with this one and and a color map called map gradient. Then here is one that i used a flame made by katyana but generated with the program if tile and here is another one where i treat a flame by tatiana and based on if style or generated with the program if style if tile.com so let’s go ahead and get a quick look at it so we’re going to start with just a a regular pinsky carpet post enabled under the non-linear set this to 0.5 and then just duplicate this four times well three times so you have a total of four up over and up then over and down and then over to the left and down and then over to the left and up and that gives us just a plain beige square.

Brad Stefanov

Understanding Colormap Gradient for JWildfire


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