Understanding Colorscale

Today we are going to be looking at the color scale variation in Jwildfire. It is a variation that works best in a 3d environment and it scales based on color so we’re going to take a look at our color grid here add a final and linear I think that bad they’re not going to even it’s going to choose color scale as a final and you will see we will get a dot if you look at the variables here. We have a scale X scale Y and scale Z now also they offset Z and a reset Z so first let’s try increasing scale X about 1 you see now it has stretched out on the X plane if you scale on Y it scaled on the Y plane it sends it through a 3D variation let’s just change the picture. Now the color gray color scale does not seem to work with color map images or with color map it doesn’t pick up the colors from a color map, so it works a little differently on this image. It works mostly on a new gradient, if you look here we are not seeing any changes because the gradient by default is set to what and if we choose another gradient now like I say it doesn’t work with total map very well that’s not a very good example of how it works but I always like to start off this color in fact these in a very solid depth that’s why we have such a I like the opening lines just go up and down there’s no subtle in-between.

Brad Stefanov

Understanding Colorscale in JWildfire

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