Using the Batch Renderer in JWildfire

Using the Batch Renderer in Jwildfire

The Batch Renderer lets you render several flames in one batch.


To send a flame in the Editor window to the Batch renderer, click on Batch renderer. Do this for each
flame you want to render in batch. You can also send flames to the batch renderer from Jwildfire’s
flame browser. After you select the flames you want to render, start the batch renderer. You can also
add flames directly from the Batch renderer.

Note that if you send flames directly from the editor to the batch renderer without naming the flames
first, they will be named qsave, followed by the date of the batch render followed by a unique number
for each flame. If you have named the flames previously and saved them, and add them from the Flame
Browser or from your saved flames, they appear with the names you gave them.


To start the batch renderer, click on Windows. A menu appears.


On the menu, click Fractal flames: Batch renderer.


The batch renderer window appears, showing the names of the flames you selected. If you haven’t
selected any flames from the editor or flame browser, the window appears blank.


To add flames directly from the batch renderer, click on Add files.


The Open menu appears. If you don’t see your flames, navigate to the folder containing them.


Click on the flame you want to render in batch. You can select several flames by clicking on each flame
while holding down the Ctrl key. You can also select several flames by clicking on one flame and
holding down the shift key and clicking another flame, to select both plus all the flames between them.


When you click on a flame, a rough thumbnail image of the flame appears to the right of the list of


Several options are available for rendering the flames. Using the buttons below the thumbnail you can
add more flames, change the order the flames will be rendered in, and remove flames from the renderer.
You can select the render size and quality under Global settings in the column of buttons on the right.
Note that all flames rendered in batch will be the same size and quality.
You can also tell the batch renderer to overwrite images or show an image of the selected flame.


Batch renderer image

To start the batch render, click Render.


Progress bars at the bottom of the batch renderer window show the progress for each flame (top) and
the whole batch (bottom). You can also highlight a flame and click Show image if the line of text next
to the flame says ready during a render.









When the batch render is done, the window shows information about the processing of each flame.
The batch renderer sends the images to the folder where you have specified for Jwildfire to save your

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