Think of tags as like a book index where you find words and which pages they are on, the same principle applies here. Although it's taken a stage further so it might not be the word, but the subject, so for example if you're looking for things to do with fractal gradients for example. A tag may bring back posts with gradient files, as well as posts that discuss gradients, or tutorials about them.

Sanctuary Facebook4

JWildfire Sanctuary Facebook Group

Our Facebook group has been running for some time now, and we have an amazing collection of members with all kinds of interests and specialties. Aside from sharing our art daily, we also have tutorials, resources, tons of flames and a great sense of community.

Gradient List

Gradient files are a great addition to JWildfire, you can use them to completely change the look … Details

An octagonal mandala pattern with glowing yellow and green swirls radiating from the center on a dark background.

Lumiere Scripts

Lumiere Scripts by Michael Bourne Tutorial on installing scripts here Some fun to be had with light … Details

Golden and brown swirls form a symmetrical, wing-like pattern on a dark background.

Will o the wisp

Will o’ the wisp Scripts Stemmed from some flames I’d made a little while back that had … Details


Abyss Scripts

The Abyss Series – Michael Bourne 2018 Starting to create a series of deep sea creatures/organisms. Starting … Details