Buriti Scripts Download

Buriti cover1
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  • File Size 37.08 KB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date February 27, 2019
  • Last Updated September 27, 2021

Buriti Scripts Download


Su Drzewicka commented that these look like the scales of a rare Brazilian snake, so the name was born!

There's some question about the origin of the original combination flame/script etc.

I based all of these on a flame I'd made way back when, it wasn't done from a script, but I can't remember if it was a tweak or whatever. The rest of the tweaks and manipulations are all mine too, so I'm not sure if any credit is needed. If it is, someone let me know and I'll update this description.

Basically it's a combination of Julias with various transforms and finals added in. A lot of the finals were tested manually (laborious but pleasant work). They're marked pure as they're not totally random, they just choose from the list I made.

Big shout out to Jesus and Rick for their random number routines.

Big shout to Su Drzewicka for giving me the idea for the scripts, Steph Tassuro for being keen enough to wait for these, and others.

Please (I always ask, and sometimes get ignored) LINK TO THE SCRIPTS, I'm not bothered about my name being shown (although it helps me see what people do) but a link is VERY useful for others who want to find the scripts. You might think because you're posting just after their release that people know where to find them? It's facebook so after a few weeks your post will get jumbled in all the others, then someone comes along and thinks what scripts, and where? Hence the request to post the link. Please try and do this.

Thanks to everyone at JWildfire Sanctuary facebook group:


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