Think of tags as like a book index where you find words and which pages they are on, the same principle applies here. Although it's taken a stage further so it might not be the word, but the subject, so for example if you're looking for things to do with fractal gradients for example. A tag may bring back posts with gradient files, as well as posts that discuss gradients, or tutorials about them.


Julia Flower

Lynda McDaniels – This script was automatically generated by JWildfire 3.11r2 (05.06.2017) by converting a flame There … Details



(Julian,loonie,ovoid3d) Another interesting Script.

J collideoscope


This script is composed only of julian & collideoscope variations. Lots of randomization as usual.


Edisc Julia3Dq

Combination of a flame and julian scripts, this adds more randomising to get some great fractal shapes.

Disc Julian Spherical

Disc Julian Spherical

Electric sheep flame 244-52441 gave me the idea for this. As is customary, there is a lot of randomness.

2 LazySusans 1

2 Lazy Susans

Lazy Susan Variations and a Julian, mix them together for some great fractals.