Think of tags as like a book index where you find words and which pages they are on, the same principle applies here. Although it's taken a stage further so it might not be the word, but the subject, so for example if you're looking for things to do with fractal gradients for example. A tag may bring back posts with gradient files, as well as posts that discuss gradients, or tutorials about them.


Super Shape 3D

No info given, well to state the obvious, it creates 3D shapes that are super!

Gruppe Lorant

Gruppe Lorant

3D fractals are so much fun, this script is based from a flame to give you many 3D shapes to play with.

Creating a 3D Model

This sub-module will allow you to make 3d-models that you can use in any 3d-package to produce true 3d-images with refraction effects, shadows, and other effects.



Flipy, Waves and Disc = FWD great combo to make interesting and unique designs.

Elliptic Split 3D

Elliptic Split 3D

Another elliptic split script 3D, lots of different values being randomised for an endless series of images.

Elliptic split 3D Ver2

Elliptic Split 3D Ver 2

Can never get tired of elliptic split type fractals, loads of randomisation in this one, you’ll always find one that you like.

Clock Z

Clock Z

Clock script. There is a lot of randomization. Every fractal will have a unique three-dimensional shape. Have a blast!

3D Mandala

3D Mandala

A flame that produces 3D Mandalas. Script adapted from Raul’s Mandala Script by Mick Hogan.