Horn Custom Variation

Brad Stefanov

Horn variation with 8 variables. This does not work with GPU since I am not sure how to do it (if someone wants to do it feel free).

package org.jwildfire.create.tina.variation;
import org.jwildfire.create.tina.base.XForm;
import org.jwildfire.create.tina.base.XYZPoint;
import org.jwildfire.create.tina.variation.FlameTransformationContext;
import static org.jwildfire.base.mathlib.MathLib.*;

public class HornFunc extends VariationFunc implements SupportsGPU {
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

  private static final String PARAM_A = "param_a";
  private static final String PARAM_B = "param_b";
  private static final String PARAM_C = "param_c";
  private static final String PARAM_D = "param_d";
  private static final String PARAM_E = "param_e";
  private static final String PARAM_F = "param_f";
  private static final String PARAM_G = "param_g";
  private static final String PARAM_H = "param_h";
  private static final String[] paramNames = {PARAM_A, PARAM_B, PARAM_C, PARAM_D, PARAM_E, PARAM_F, PARAM_G, PARAM_H};
  private double param_a = 1.0;
  private double param_b = 1.0;
  private double param_c = 1.0;
  private double param_d = 1.0;
  private double param_e = M_2PI;
  private double param_f = 0.0;
  private double param_g = 0.0;
  private double param_h = 0.0;

public void transform(FlameTransformationContext pContext, XForm pXForm, XYZPoint pAffineTP, XYZPoint pVarTP, double pAmount) {
final double rad = sqrt(pContext.random()+param_f);
double a = pContext.random() * param_e;
double s = sin(a);
double c = cos(a);
pVarTP.y+= pAmount * c *rad* param_a;
pVarTP.z += pAmount * s*param_b ;
pVarTP.x += pAmount * rad*param_c+param_g;
pVarTP.z += pAmount / rad*param_d+param_h;

  public String[] getParameterNames() {
    return paramNames;

  public Object[] getParameterValues() {
    return new Object[]{param_a, param_b, param_c, param_d, param_e, param_f, param_g, param_h};

  public void setParameter(String pName, double pValue) {
    if (PARAM_A.equalsIgnoreCase(pName)) {
      param_a = pValue;
    } else if (PARAM_B.equalsIgnoreCase(pName)) {
      param_b = pValue;
    } else if (PARAM_C.equalsIgnoreCase(pName)) {
      param_c = pValue;
    } else if (PARAM_D.equalsIgnoreCase(pName)) {
      param_d = pValue;
    } else if (PARAM_E.equalsIgnoreCase(pName)) {
      param_e = pValue;
    } else if (PARAM_F.equalsIgnoreCase(pName)) {
      param_f = pValue;
    } else if (PARAM_G.equalsIgnoreCase(pName)) {
      param_g = pValue;
    } else if (PARAM_H.equalsIgnoreCase(pName)) {
      param_h = pValue;
    } else {
      System.out.println("pName not recognized: " + pName);
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(pName);

  public String getName() {
    return "horn";

 /* public String getGPUCode(FlameTransformationContext context) {
    // 1. don't use comments INSIDE the code
    // 2. use individual names for custom variations by changing the constant inside getName()-function
    // 3. use this name to specify the amount-parameter in the form __[name]
    // 4. pAffine.x, pAffine.y, pAffine.z are __x, __y, __z
    // 5. pVar.x, pVar.y, pVar.z are __px, __py, __pz
    // 6. color-index for dc_-variation is __pal
    // 7. mathematical functions are postfixed with f, e.g. use sinf, cosf, logf, ... instead of sin, cos, log, ...    // 8. a random number may be generated by using RANDFLOAT()
    // 9. you can NOT use global variables
    // 10. see the numerious existing variations for inspiration
    return "__px += __linear3D_dynamic * __x;\n"
         + "__py += __linear3D_dynamic * __y;\n"
         + (context.isPreserveZCoordinate() ? "__pz += __linear3D_dynamic * __z;" : "");
  } */


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