

The blur variation generates a filled-in circle. Unlike most variations, which transform the plane by mapping input points to output points, blur completely ignores the input. The variations blur_circle, circleblur, and sineblur also generate filled-in circles. They differ in how the density is distributed across the disk. Blur has high density in the center, gradually decreasing towards the edge.



The spherical variation reflects the plane across the unit circle (the circle with radius 1 centered at the origin). Mathematically, this is called “inversion in the unit circle”. This is illustrated with the following contrived example, which uses five transforms with svg_wf to create five purple creatures (the default svg_wf graphic) in various locations.

UmmaGumma Gold Silver with Klein Group

Umma Gumma Gold & Silver Klein

Tonight’s Fractal
JWildfire – Started with Michael Bourne’s UmmaGumma Script.
Added a Klein Group Final
Poked, Prodded & Tweaked
“UmmaGumma Gold & Silver Klein”

blob variation information 3

Blob Variation Information

The blob variation pushes and pulls the plane to make it look like a blob. Specifically, it takes a sine wave, wraps it into a circle, and uses that to distort the plane. The pictures below show respectively a sine wave, a radial sine wave (one wrapped into a circle), and a circular dc_perlin texture before and after applying blob.